Interoperability (the back-and-forth exchange of data among different points-of-service/systems) is a very important aspect of the system’s design. Modern international health care enterprise standards, such as HL7 FHIR (Health Level Seven International Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources), will be used to ensure that the various forms of user inputs and structured functional profiles, as outputs made by the data analytics layer, are modelled and communicated to external points-of-service (for example social services). Internally, the interoperability between the FunctionMapper, mobile interfaces and the data components of the system will follow industry standard communication protocols (i.e. RESTful API) to allow extendable and flexible integration. The Open Application Programming Interface (API) is designed to allow a standard, interoperable and secure internet communication protocol between the mobile interfaces and FunctionMapper.
The generic information model for functioning data supports any data type, produced in any context, by any means or instruments, as well as coding schemes, including the ICF. Using this model, functioning data can be entered as interconnected components with essential metadata. The model also enables structured use of the information in other care-related elements such as care plans.