ICanFunction (mICF) presented at Stanford MedicineX

MedicineX is the most discussed health care conference in the world. In 5 conferences over 20 million people were reached! We were extremely pleased to be accepted at Stanford MedicineX 2016 as this is a conference that aligns perfectly with our philosophy – We put the person into personalized medicine.

olaf4Olaf with Lieutenant Colonel Downing Lu, MD, Chief Quality Officer for the National Capital Region and LaVerne Council, Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology and CIO for the Office of Information and Technology within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

“MedicineX has changed how health care providers and patients engage with and learn from one another by amplifying the patient voice in academic medicine. Including the patient voice has moved providers beyond knowing how to treat a disease to learning what it is like to live with a disease.”

That is exactly what we want to achieve by facilitating the use of the ICF by patients and caregivers: Allow them to share how they experience health, what are their limitations and goals for treatment.

Olaf with Kristin Voorhees, Director of Healthcare Initiatives at BeyondCeliac, Dr. Dan Leffler, MD at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital and Navita Dyal, Master Student of Engineering at McMaster University

“Patients have their voice added to the conversation, but true engagement will require meaningful participation from everyone. Diverse expertise and experiences in a health care team where power is shared in an environment of trust and respect leads to more creative and innovative solutions to health care problems.”

Attending the conference also provided opportunities to connect with likeminded developers, patients and healthcare providers, learn from their projects and explore possibilities for collaboration.
A video of the talk will soon be live on the Stanford MedicineX website.

Click here for a transcript of the presentation

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